Frequently Asked Questions
Booking Questions
How far in advance do we need to schedule our picnic?
If you want the picnic for a special event, or special date, please book as soon as possible. We are already booking for 2024. Weekend dates book up quickly, so if you would like a weekend date, please book at least 2 weeks in advance. We always try our best to schedule you, but sometimes it might not be possible.
How do I secure my date?
To secure your date, please fill out the booking form on our contact page. We will email you our proposal and booking confirmation with your desired date, time, and instructions. You will need to sign our contract and pay half of the picnic price. Once that is completed your date/picnic is secured for the date!
What is the latest time you book picnics in the day?
The latest time we book picnics are one hour before sunset, and all picnics end 15min after sunset. If you wish to extend your picnic later into nighttime please let us know in advance because some beaches and parks close at sunset. We need to plan for lighting, and a safe location.
What’s your cancellation policy?
After you sign our services, and pay half of the picnic, we can reschedule you for another day, or for a future date, but we do not give refunds. Please let us know as soon as possible if your date no longer works, so we can give the opportunity to someone else.
Location Questions
What locations can we have a picnic in?
We have our favorite beaches and locations. Sunset Cliffs, Mission Bay, Redwood Circle, Presidio Park and Kate Session Parks. We cannot currently do North County beaches or any beaches outside of San Diego City.
Do we have to choose a park on your list?
Yes, or if you'd like to recommend a location, simply put in a park you’d like us to do your picnic. We are open to new ones and suggestions.
Can we have a picnic in our backyard?
Yes! Backyard picnics are the best way to really have privacy. Please let us know in the booking form if you would like a backyard picnics. Keep in mind, we only service the San Diego area, and anything more than 20 miles from the 92114 zip code, we charge additional fees.
I want a secluded area, or private beach away from the crowds can you insure this?
We try our best to find a good location on the beach or in the park, but cannot guarantee that it will be completely secluded from other beach goers or people in general. Luxury picnics have also become very popular and we can't guarantee there won't be other picnic companies in the area.
Day of Picnic Questions
What happens if the weather takes a turn?
Sunny San Diego sometimes can get gloomy, or the occasional rain here and there, if we notice the weather changes, we will call you before your picnic and reschedule for another day.
What if I show up late or need to leave early?
Communication is key, we allow up to 10 minutes, but we kindly ask to let us know if you forsee your timing changing. We currently host multiple picnics a day and have a pretty tight schedule. If you are 30 minutes or more late for your picnic it goes into your time of your reservation. Additional time might on the end of your picnic may be able to be added for $25.
What if additional guests show up?
It's your picnic and you can invite others, just be prepared that if you didn’t pay for additional guest the set up and food might not accommodate your group.
Food & Beverage Questions
Can we bring our own snacks, drinks, or alcohol to our picnic?
You are welcome to bring your snacks or food, but our charcuterie boards are filling as our guests have mentioned. Our beaches do not permit alcoholic beverages. If you decide to bring your own alcoholic beverage, we are not responsible for any fines/tickets issued to you.
Do you offer dietary restriction options?
Yes, our charcuterie boards can be gluten free, vegetarian, or vegan, please let us know in your booking inquiry any restrictions or substitutions for allergies.
Do you provide alcohol for picnics?
We currently offer sparkling lemonade or water. Our beaches and parks do not permit alcoholic beverages. If you decide to bring your own alcoholic beverage, you are responsible for disposing of all containers and we are not responsible for any fines/tickets issued to you.
Miscellaneous Questions
What if something gets damaged or stained?
We charge a replacement fee of up to $55 (or up to half the value of the item when purchased) depending on the value of the item damaged.